BBC2017开年巨作——纪录片《荒野间谍(Spy in the Wild)》。该片由BBC金牌纪录片大师John Downer和其团队出品,是『动物卧底』系列的又一次里程碑式力作。 "Spy in the Wild" uses 34 realistic animatronic creatures, equipped with UHD cameras to observe wildlife activity from closer than ever before. The amount of work and time that went into this project is quite remarkable. The cameras were built specifically for this project by film maker John Downer and his team at John Downer Productions. The raw stats behind the production of Spy in the Wild are enough to make your eyes water. The crew covered 330,000 miles travelling to 31 locations in 21 countries, stretching from the Arctic to the Antarctic and all places in between. Spy in the Wild took three years to shoot, over 800 filming days. The crew captured more than 8000 hours of material, and every hour-long programme is distilled from 1250 hours of footage. 东南亚少女rapperdiss光鲜亮丽的京城,夜幕下罪恶滋生。媒体编辑苏苏(熊乃瑾 饰)此前一直关注社会边缘人物,她曾采访过许多流浪人口,可是其中很多人都不明不白地失踪了。强势的主编命令她转而调查连环剥皮杀人案,苏苏无奈之下只得从命。不久之前,站街女丽红被人掳走,她也正式苏苏此前的采访对象。为了查清真相,苏苏转而求助男朋友陈默(高云翔 饰)。两人一同走访丽红的朋友小娟,而在此期间小娟突然拨通了丽红的电话。未过多久,丽红的尸体在护城河被人发现,她身上一处纹身则被人剥下来贴在小娟的门上。 心理扭曲的杀人恶魔行走在大街小巷,贪婪地搜寻着下一个狩猎的目标……