在遥远西藏的北方,有一片被称为羌塘的神奇土地。雄伟的昆仑山和冈底斯山如同两条巨大的手臂,紧紧怀抱着这片60万平方公里的无人区。羌塘不仅是中国最大的无人区,也是中国最大、世界第二的自然保护区。 在无人区腹地耸立着巨大的普若岗日冰原,普若岗日冰原海拔高度在6000米至6800米之间,面积422平方公里,是世界上最大的中低纬度冰川,1999年首次被中美科学家联合考查时发现并被确认为世界上除南极、北极之外的第三大冰川。 制片人老蔡,曾经进入过羌塘无人区,计划带队首次完成人类电影组对普若岗日冰川主峰拍摄。21岁的女导演子君决心追寻父辈的足迹,加入队伍。车队在前往冰原主峰的过程中危机四伏、危险不断,但都没能阻止这群普通中国人的脚步。 在狼群的注视下,这一行人终于抵达了冰川东南侧的主峰脚下。海拔六千米的冰舌上,导演子君终于说出了自己耿耿于怀的往事,制片人老蔡同样情绪崩溃——在他的心中,同样有着抱憾的过往,和对这片古老土地的深远情怀。 每个人都有自己心底的无人区,都有一些难以启齿又无法解决的伤痛,无论是否执着于无人区和山野,每个人都应该给自己一个机会,一个与自己和解、与过往和解、与他人和解的机会。鹡鸰女神结局With the Wicked Witch of the West now vanquished from Oz, Tom and Jerry along with Dorothy are back in Kansas! But not for long as an all-new villain has surfaced from beneath the magical land, the Gnome King! Having captured the Good Witch, the Gnome King and his army are wreaking havoc throughout Oz and need but one item to take control of The Emerald City, Dorothy's ruby slippers! It's up to our favorite cat and mouse duo to team up, go Back to Oz and save the land they love. Take to the skies, courtesy of the Wizard himself, with Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion as they make their magical journey. The laughs and adventure will roar as they encounter all-new frights and mischievous creatures down the Yellow Brick Road, 'cause "we're not in Kansas anymore!"