Two girls grow up as best friends in an Innu community. While Mikuan has a loving family, Shaniss is picking up the pieces of her shattered childhood. As children, they promised each other to stick together no matter what. But as they're about to turn 17, their friendship is shaken when Mikuan falls for a white boy, and starts dreaming of leaving the reserve that's now too small for her dreams. 江疏影外国涓婃捣鍟嗗姟KTV鎷涜仒妯$壒濂冲吋鑱?鍙湁鎷兼悘 鎷涜仒瑕佹眰:闄愬コ,鍑€楂?65浠ヤ笂,褰㈣薄濂?姘旇川浣?鏈夋暚涓氱簿绁?鍙婂洟闃熷悎浣滅簿绁炪€?宸ヤ綔鍐呭:璐熻矗涓€浜涚ぜ浠帴寰呭伐浣?娲昏穬鐜板満,璐熻矗