暑假再次来临,然而大雄却愁眉苦脸,提不起兴趣。原来老师放假前布置了一个作业,让同学们自选课题,进行自由研究。眼看小夫、静香甚至胖虎都找到了研究题目,大雄惟有求助好朋友哆啦A梦。 哆啦A梦拿出未来世界的“创世组件”,它就如同养成游戏一般,通过操作者自己动手,模仿宇宙诞生的全过程。凭借哆啦A梦的帮助,大雄着实体验了一把当上帝的感觉。不过创造宇宙也不是什么简单事,经过两个好朋友细心观察和照看,他们的微缩宇宙终于形成,而且创造出与地球类似的星球。在适宜的条件下,生命开始繁衍。最终静香等人也加入进来,和大雄一同经历生命进化的精彩而刺激的过程……神农道君笔趣阁免费阅读无弹窗After some years of tension, Richard (Clive Owen) begins a sexual relationship with his sister Natalie (Saskia Reeves). Now married, the relationship proves dangerously obsessional. Their private intensity (& working class origins) contrast with the middle-class, inhibited, stuffy public scenes we see in the Richmond world into which Natalie has moved with her marriage. As the guilt and intensity of the siblings increases we seem to be heading for disaster, a forboding which increases when Natalie's husband Sinclair finds out.