A mathematician and author, Luke Williams, is travelling up to London on a train when he meets a old lady, Lavinia Fullerton, who is also going to London, to Scotland Yard. Lavinia tells Luke that in her small village several people have died. The local police are certain that it was all accidental and are taking no action but Lavinia isn't convinced. In London Luke watches, horrified, as Lavinia is run over in a hit and run and he becomes convinced that she was telling the truth. He travels down to the village and with the aid of a local girl, who is also convinced that the deaths were murder, sets out to solve the mystery. 电影 野兰花2在线老者一步一步靠近,身上弥漫出沉重的威压,滚滚而来。
伊桑(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)和妻子格蕾丝(詹妮弗·康纳利 Jennifer Connelly 饰)永远都不会想到,他们深爱的儿子乔伊(Sean Curley 饰)竟然会先他们一步离开人世,然而,当那辆飞驰的汽车撞倒乔伊的那一刻,所发生的一切又是那么的真实和无法改变。 在此之前,律师德怀特(马克·鲁法洛 Mark Ruffalo 饰)正享受着和儿子卢卡斯(艾迪·阿尔德森 Eddie Alderson 饰)之间难得的愉快夜晚,再过几个小时,德怀特就要将卢卡斯送回前妻鲁斯(米拉·索维诺 Mira Sorvino 饰)的身边了。然而,当德怀特驾驶着他的汽车,当强烈的撞击感从车头传递到德怀特的身体上时,他明白他的命运将就此改变。在如此紧要的关头,许多的念头飞速的划过德怀特的脑海,但他的身体做出了最糟糕的选择,那就是猛踩油门,逃之夭夭。