涓婃捣澶滃満KTV鎷涜仒楂樿柂1200//1500//2000RMB浠锋牸,璁╀綘鐨勮亴鍦虹敓娑秺璧拌秺淇忚储瀵屽惎鑸?鎵胯:鎵€鏈夋嫑鑱樹竴寰嬩笉鏀跺彇浠讳綍璐圭敤,鏃犱换浣曟娂閲?鏈涢潰璇曡€呮彁楂樿鎯?璋ㄩ槻琚獥,涓轰綘鎺ㄨ崘浠嬬粛鏇?白洁张敏一起被别人玩Fantômas makes it as the emperor of Crime. First is the robbery at the Royal Palace Hotel. Then he abducts Lord Beltham. As Fantômas' fame increases actor Valgrand creates the rôle of public enemy No.1 on stage. Eventually Inspector Juve, with a little help from Fandor, arrests Fantômas and he is soon sentenced to die on the guillotine. But... Written by viktor-18