The Stilwins are on vacation to an isolated beach in Mexico. Walking on a deserted jetty, Doug Stilwin gets his leg trapped under one of the logs. All attempts to move the log are futile and Helen Stilwin takes the car to get help. However, an escaped criminal kidnaps her. Will she be able to return to her husband before he drowns? 宿醉高清海报碉堡山军官预校的校长是一个具有强烈好斗精神的军官,他一向的治学方针是培养学生强烈的战斗精神。不过,当地政府计划将该校拆除,以利于发展当地的城市建设。在双方没有达成共识的情况下,当地政府强行拆除,有部分学生誓死护校,并武装起来与军警对抗。 本片故事情节虽有点令人难以置信,但编导哈洛德·贝克的处理却颇为紧凑有力,对于军校学生追求荣誉与责任的精神尤其表现得动人。参于此片的几位青春派男星乔治·C·斯科特、蒂莫西·赫顿、罗尼·考克斯、西恩·潘、汤姆·克鲁斯均是从本片开始崭露头角的。