

类型:科幻 武侠 微电影 香港 2013 

主演:凡妮莎·博格利 千叶一伸 韩宗麟 张子琨 






  • 浩荡辣椒:146.486.863.688
    The moon rises at a predestined angle and awakens the sleeping Dr. Phibes in 1928, three years after the events of the previous movie. To his dismay, he finds that his house has been demolished and his papyrus scrolls stolen, the scrolls he needs to find the Pharaoh's Tomb in Egypt, where the River of Life flows. After identifying the source of the papyrus theft, he packs and leaves for Egypt with his assistant Vulnavia - whose face displays no effects from the acid shower she received at the end of the previous film (although the character is now played by a different actress, Valli Kemp). His primary goal is the awakening of his dead wife, Victoria.  The thieves of Phibes' scrolls suffer an attrition problem as Inspectors Trout and Waverly chase Phibes across the world. The party is led by Beiderbeck (Robert Quarry, best known for playing Count Yorga). Although he looks young, he is several hundred years old and wants to find the River of Life in order to stay alive and be with his lover Diana (Fiona Lewis) forever. This time Phibes' murders all have an Egyptian theme to them; for example, one character is sand-blasted to death. Other deaths include someone being stung to death by scorpions, being eaten by an eagle (in the original script impaled by a gold eagle in the same way a doctor in The Abominable Dr. Phibes was impaled by a golden unicorn), and a golden snake piercing someone's skull.  At the climax, Beiderbeck sacrifices his life in order to save Diana. The film ends with Phibes riding a raft down the River of Life with Victoria, while singing "Over the Rainbow" (which is strange, as this film is set in 1928 but "Over The Rainbow" wasn't written until 1938). It is left ambiguous whether Victoria is resurrected or not, although a picture inside the DVD shows her in the raft with her eyes open and smiling at the camera
  • 北云倾寒:194.21.387.206
    家住金泽的教师堀川周平(笠智众 饰)是一个人生坎坷的男人,他的妻子早年去世,多年来周平独自含辛茹苦将儿子良平养大。在某次郊游中,一名学生不幸溺毙,周平作为负责人引咎辞职。失去工作后他带着儿子回到故乡信州,并在村里谋得一份差使勉强度日。良平学习还算用功,他进入中学后寄宿学校,而为了能供儿子完成接下来的学业,周平只身前往东京工作。此去经年,黄天不负有心人的良平(佐野周二 饰)考入仙台帝大,进而在秋田的一所学校取得教师的岗位。他日昔盼望和父亲重聚,怎奈周平全力支持儿子的事业,不忍拖周平的后腿。在动荡的岁月迁徙,父子分出两地遥遥相望……  本片剧本是小津安二郎于1937年出征前夕完成的。 燃烧吧火鸟琼瑶电影“这?”小崔一脸疑惑,很不情愿地小声嘟囔着,“我还不是为您好?”他朝龙旭和葛宗发狠狠地瞪了一眼,“算你们命好,遇到黎老大人大量不计较,要是我,弄死你们!”说完上车追黎老而去。
  • 真熙:123.548.927.219
  • 重出江湖本尊:123.351.148.875


  • 第21-45集完结4.0
  • 更新至202412174.0


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