- 打更人□隶属于(🦍)大□□廷的组织,从事侦察、逮捕、审问等□动,□有□(🌂)与收集□情、策反敌□(🎄)等工作。“嘿(㊗),看样子是真不敢啊。”□于超闭着□巴□□万那长满络腮胡的那张脸笑容满面,□尽□□😨)□利之色。□國聯邦□查員麥特□森帶著妻子寶拉與五歲□女兒蒂娜□被派駐到義大利□西里島的吉諾斯特拉□山(Gino□tr□),去保護一樁謀(👌)殺案的關鍵證人──一名11□(□)□孩□托瑞。 艾托瑞的□人在汽車裡被炸死□💅)□,他是唯一□生還者。□□假意收養艾托瑞□□望能(🖐)從艾托瑞口中□出內幕、指□兇手,卻□悄洩露(✍)出□□在麥特與□🕦)艾托□(□)背後□🛥)□悲劇,一個連妻子寶拉(🔪)都毫不知情的祕密。 祕□與謊□,像即將□發的□🍾)Ginostra□,麥特□家人正□步步通往地嶽之門。外在的危機(🍷),內在的恐懼,被遺□(□)的孤□陷入□難的泥淖…… □att □e□son, an□□BI investigator, has been po□ted □o the island of P□□a□e□ i□ □h□ Lip□□i□archi□□lago within t□e framework□o□ an agree□□n□ b□t□een the USA and Ital□. He □as □een a□located a co□fortable,□wel□-□□o□ected □ou□e with□vast gro□□ds and a pri□ate □ove facing t□□ Ginos□ra volca□□. □his □e□ights hi□ wife □essie and their 5-year-o□d daughter Tina. A few □□ys after□□hey□arr□ve, a 11□year□old boy,□Ettore□Greco, a M□fia victi□, is q□estioned by□M□tt abo□t the death of his□□ho□□□family in □ car bombing. For security □□asons, Ma□t decid□s to bri□□□Et□or□ to□the house□whe□e h□□is livi□g. This ar□ificial□ado□tion g□adual□y reveals the □ra□ic secre□ binding□M□t□ to the ch□ld, a s□cr□t Jessie□knows noth□ng about. Fr□m□secret□ t□ lies, □he atm□sphere i□ the□□□□la □low□y leads the Benson family to□the gate□ of□hel□. Outside is□the□d□ng□□□ insid□□is the fear. □n □etween i□ an or□h□n □hi□d... □近□,内蒙□乌兰(🛰)□布市商都县察□淖尔□家□地公(🍟)园迎来大批迁徙的□鸟,它们成群结队(🚼),时而在空中□旋飞舞□时而在水面□戏□食,一派生机勃勃。- 青□□...
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