Set in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, Summer journeys nostalgically through the warm middle-Ural summer with eight-year-old Vadim and his half-sister Christina. They enjoy evening festivities with their older teenage friends by the fire, go on mellow skateboard rides, and have a quiet daytime nap in the garden house. Caressed by the sun and the warmth of his relatives, hidden in the quiet tranquillity of the garden and far away from the cruelty of the outside world, Vadim enjoys his childhood days. Acting as a serene lullaby that mimics the movements of a gentle breeze, Summer provides warmth, joy and solace, offering hope and strength for the future. 最爽的一次嘿嘿嘿知乎“蜘蛛池”是通过整理把爬虫经常光顾的一些节点的一个集合将你的信息提交到“蜘蛛池”后,他会自动帮助你把信息分发到个个权重高的节点这样,你的信息就会快速的被收录并展现这就是“蜘蛛池”的作用了我是热心的