Four egocentric friends who run a neighborhood Irish pub in Philadelphia try to find their way through the adult world of work and relationships. Unfortunately, their warped views and precarious judgments often lead them to trouble, creating a myriad of uncomfortable situations that usually only get worse before they get better. Written by DesertShark25 陈柏霖 宋智孝 弹唱迪尔(冈本信彦 配音)是一位小有名气的冒险者,拥有冷静的头脑和强健的体魄,以及无量的前途。一次偶然中,正在执行讨伐魔兽的任务的迪尔,在森林里邂逅了脏兮兮又可怜巴巴的女孩拉缇娜(高尾奏音 配音),虽然拉缇娜是魔族的后代,但是迪尔不忍心看到她孤身一人无家可归,于是决定收养她。就这样,拉缇娜成为了迪尔的养女。 拉缇娜的存在让深藏在迪尔体内的父性彻底的爆发了。而善良可爱的拉蒂娜也很快就交到了好朋友——拥有领袖气质的克洛伊(桑原由气 配音)、外表年幼内心成熟的希尔维亚(高野麻里佳 配音)、正直勇敢的鲁迪(田村睦心 配音)。