Fed up with the authoritarian teachers of her strict all-girls boarding school, Babsi, an unsatisfied young student, summons up the www.tuikan.cc courage to rebel and climbs over the tall wall of the institution, one foggy winter morning. Free at last after six long months of captivity, the adventurous girl accepts a lift from a middle-aged travelling lingerie salesman and begins to recount titillating stories about her equally sex-starved classmates, in the same vein as Blutjunge Verführerinnen (1971), and Blutjunge Verführerinnen 2 (1972). Before long, the driver learns all about the chance encounter of Bellamy, the daughter of a great pianist, with a soft-handed violin player; the intoxicating escapades of the sultry vineyard worker, Linda; the summer adventure of pretty Violet and a lumberjack, and of course, Nadia and her passion for mud-filled motocross riders. Will Babsi help her new friend learn a thing or two about women? 8x8x网最新地址韩剧史上第一次与日本导演合作拍韩剧。 日本电影《热血高校》三池崇史导演与Studio Dragon合作拍摄韩剧《CONNECT》。 此剧讲述了身体部分器官被器官猎人们抢走的一个男人与被接受器官移植之人(Connect)连接后发生的悬疑故事。 当初本来要拍电影,最近准备拍成韩剧。 由《热血高校》《人皮客栈》《要听神明的话》三池崇史导演执导。