核试验科教记录片。是自人类发明原子弹、氢弹以来的各种核爆炸记录,采访了许多美国参与核试验的专家,非常珍贵的第一手资料。著名的“小男孩”(广岛)和“胖男人”(长崎)就在这里,不可不看! On July 16, 1945, at a site called Trinity, a plutonium bomb was assembled and brought to the top of a tower. The bomb was detonated, producing an intense flash and a fireball that expanded to 600 meters in two seconds. The explosive power was equivalent to 18.6 kilotons of TNT. It grew to a height of more than 12 kilometers, boiling up in the shape of a mushroom. Forty seconds later, the blast of air from the bomb reached the observation bunkers, along with a long and deafening roar of sound. And so began the ATOMIC AGE... "Trinity and Beyond" is an unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of nuclear weapons development and testing between 1945 until 1963. Narrated by William Shatner and featuring an original score performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, this award-winning documentary reveals previously unreleased and classified government footage depicting in graphic detail these powerful and awesome weapons. Many scenes were restored with an Academy Award® winning process created to restore the color. Director/producer Peter Kuran, traveled throughout the U.S. to locate footage that includes bombs being suspended by balloon, exploding under the ocean, being shot from a cannon and detonated in outer space.
经过了这一下,原本追击的二三十人现在却只有八九个能站起来的了,不过其中却还有两名九级剑灵以及三名八级剑灵和两名七级剑灵,另外还有两名运气好一些的六级剑灵站了起来,听了听远处传来的轰隆隆的战斗声,郑凌霄嘿嘿一笑,道:“嘿嘿,现在放风筝结束,咱们就在这里解决他们吧,怎么样,有没有信心。”mis dos amores翻译德克萨斯的一个镇上,警长John T Chance(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne饰)和副警长酒鬼Dude(迪恩·马丁 Dean Martin饰)将作恶多端的Joe Burdette绳之以法,并将其关在监狱里,和另一个警员瘸腿的Stumpy (沃尔特·布伦南 Walter Brennan 饰)一起看守,等待几天后审讯官的到来。此时,Chance的老友Pat Wheeler正好路经此地,并介绍Chance认识了一个叫Colorado Ryan(瑞奇·尼尔森 Ricky Nelson 饰)的男孩。而Chance也在一个酒店里认识了一个叫Feather(安吉·迪金森 Angie Dickinson 饰)的女人。Joe的哥哥Nathan带着人要来劫狱,先是派人杀死了Pat,又多次想要以Dude来威胁Chance放人。Chance等人与其斗智斗勇,在这个过程中,Chance发现了Colorado的勇敢并将其招入警队;而酒鬼Dude又要如何与自己的酗酒对抗,以争回自己的尊严,Chance能否带着一个酒鬼、一个瘸子和一个男孩来战胜Nathan的一次次进逼?