故事发生在美国南北战争时期。图科(埃里•瓦拉赫 Eli Wallach 饰)是一个图财害命的江洋大盗,因此他被镇上悬赏通缉。布兰迪(克林特•伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)是一个除暴安良的牛仔,他无意中抓住了图科,但嫌赏金不够又掳走了他。在荒漠中,布兰迪惩罚图科让其自生自灭。但是诡诈的图科居然逃过了一劫,并纠集一些帮凶在客栈捉住了布兰迪。正当图科以牙还牙折磨布兰迪的时候,他劫持了一个名叫卡森的士兵。后者临死前留下了宝藏的秘密,图科和布兰迪分别获得了一半信息。与此同时,一个狡猾的杀手桑坦萨(李•范•克里夫 Lee Van Cleef 饰)也通过其他渠道发现了宝藏的秘密。于是,在寻宝的道路上,三个人使出浑身解数,上演了一场场对决的好戏…… running man e166获胜者The Stilwins are on vacation to an isolated beach in Mexico. Walking on a deserted jetty, Doug Stilwin gets his leg trapped under one of the logs. All attempts to move the log are futile and Helen Stilwin takes the car to get help. However, an escaped criminal kidnaps her. Will she be able to return to her husband before he drowns?