简介:A young woman is uprooted from her idyllic village in Southern England, has her eyes opened to class warfare in the industrial North, and receives a surprising marriage proposal. ...详情
A young woman is uprooted from her idyllic village in Southern England, has her eyes opened to class warfare in the industrial North, and receives a surprising marriage proposal.
鏄屼箰璧堕泦鐩存嫑,鏄槍涔愭洿涓撲笟鐨勬嫑鑱樻眰鑱岀綉绔?娴烽噺鑱屼綅銆佺櫨寮哄悕浼?浜掕仈缃戙€侀摱琛屻€佺墿娴佸揩閫掋€佺數鍟嗐€佸悕浼佽繛閿佺瓑澶氱琛屼笟鍏ㄨ鐩?涓撲笟姹傝亴銆佹壘宸ヤ綔銆侀珮钖烦妲藉氨涓婅刀闆嗙洿鎷?ganji!眼泪的上游小说希什(威尔•史密斯 Will Smith 饰)十分准确的把握了男性的弱点:他们在求爱的时候由于过分迫切想得到对方好感,反而会表现笨拙失去魅力。而希什掌握了一套完整的独家的理论,可以帮助男士在头三次约会时候就成功俘获对方的心,这套谋略全面实用,令约会期间的就餐、牵手、接吻,有了指导细则。 这次希什的客户是胖男人阿伯特(凯文•詹姆斯 Kevin James饰)。他生性温顺,却爱上了当红女明星。于是对阿伯特的一番彻底改造在所难免。更重要的是,他竟然在工作中爱上了女明星的跟班记者莎拉(伊娃•门德斯 Eva Mendes饰)。这个自己感情一直空缺的约会指南者,开始尝到爱的气息。但是,好像现实中的爱跟他平时设计的并不一样。屡试不爽的爱情法则,在他身上反而失了灵。也许,他的爱情学问还远远不够精通。
A young woman is uprooted from her idyllic village in Southern England, has her eyes opened to class warfare in the industrial North, and receives a surprising marriage proposal.