克勞蒂娜在丈夫過世後,搬去與女兒、孫子同住,重新展開生活。她結識了鄰居已婚女子,甜蜜的情愫悄悄在兩人間醞釀。然而,面對小鎮保守的風氣,克勞蒂娜能否勇敢追尋自我,好好享受人生後半場?這是一段無論年齡多寡依然保有自由心靈的樂齡酷兒故事,人生七十才開始的最佳見證。哈尔的移动城堡全集在线观看In the second season of El Cid, after the death of King Fernando, his sons Sancho, Alfonso and García became the kings of Castilla, León and Galicia, respectively. Urraca, lady of Zamora, will handle the threads of power and we will discover her darker side. The disputes between them will transform the Iberian Peninsula into a field of bloody battles. Ruy is knighted, but in the process he will have to sacrifice what he loves most to become a true hero.