Hannah and Daniel are in their 40's , both musicians. She is french and he is quebecer living in Montreal. They live by their music, reviving Synagogal french music composed between the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th., genuine piece of a lost musical treasure. But since a while, they are having an hard time keeping their group Alive. They face financial burden, and lack ressources and local subventions, despite their talents and dedication. If Daniel is constantly looking for solutions, Hannah is not ready for any compromise. How would they save their couple, their love, their music ? 主角叫老胡谢芸的小说 返乡大学生阿尔斯别克·努汉,在2018年设计出动漫人物“雪怪阿乐”,这个冰雪IP形象很快成为阿勒泰冬季旅游“宣传推介大使”,受到游客的追捧。近几年衍生出近50个品类的相关文创产品。