On the school's blacklist are Viking, the school leader; Buntad, the best in academics; Title, who always wins with money; Jimbe, a friendly, cheerful and beloved guy; Andrew, a handsome guy who can make every girl be obsessed; Highlight, the school's secret keeper; Traffic, who's behind the scenes of badness and the leader; and the school's secret mission, that's assigned for them... 快穿反派boss有毒网盘钁姦宀涘鍦烘嫑鑱樻棗涓嬪垎绔?hmths)鍏嶈垂鍙戝竷鍜屾祻瑙堟湰鍩庡競鏈€鏂拌懌鑺﹀矝澶滃満鎷涜仒銆佽懌鑺﹀矝澶滄€讳細鎷涜仒銆佽懌鑺﹀矝KTV鎷涜仒銆佽懌鑺﹀矝閰掑惂鎷涜仒绛夋渶鏂板搴楁嫑鑱樹俊鎭€傝懌鑺﹀矝鏌ヨ鏈€鏂扮殑澶?