Special Features Audio Commentaries on Each Film All-New Three-Part Documentary, Sleepless Nights: Revisiting The Slumber Party Massacres Photo and Poster Still Gallery Theatrical Trailers Editorial Reviews All Three Films In One Collection With New Bonus Features When Trish (Michelle Michaels) decides to invite her high school girls basketball teammates over for a slumber party, she has no idea the night will be ruined by an escaped mental patient with a portable drill in the cult classic The Slumber Party Massacre. The only sane survivor of the first incident, Courtney (Crystal Bernard), dreams of the driller killer returning in the first sequel, Slumber Party Massacre II. She cannot help shake the feeling that she and her friends will be viciously tormented by the killer. Her nightmare becomes reality when the killer returns, reincarnated as an evil rocker with a deadly guitar. After a relaxing day at the beach, a group of teens decide to have a slumber party. Their boyfriends predictably show up to scare them, but there is something much scarier lurking in the shadows as the group starts getting attacked by an unknown killer in the second, and last, installment, Slumber Party Massacre III. 重生之官道在线下载嗡~~就在一众佣兵都还没有露出那种幸灾乐祸的表情时,一道轻柔的剑鸣声响起,瞬间,女子的威压被破,而一众佣兵的胸口也仿佛是被一柄大锤子砸了一般,难受至极,下一秒,他们就见到剑光一闪,那小子的长剑竟然是搭在了团长的脖子之上,一声冷笑道:“哼,怎么,你们还想要用强?我想想,是不是要拿你们去当炮灰给老子开路呢。”