藤宫周所住公寓的隔壁,住着学校第一的美少女椎名真昼。两人原本并没有什么瓜葛。有一天,周看到她淋在雨中,把伞借给了她。此后,两人开始了不可思议的交流。 真昼看不下去周自甘堕落的独居生活,帮忙做饭、打扫房间,在各个方面都照顾着周。 真昼渴望家庭间的关系,逐渐敞开心扉开始撒娇,而周却不能完全带着自信接受她的好意。两人尽管不坦率,但还是一点一点缩短着距离…… tokyo hot n0896Bank, the heir of a millionaire, is being chased by someone who wants to kill him. He was seriously injured, so he hid at the Norah group. Baifern, the daughter of the leader, takes care of him and soon they develop feelings for each other, while he investigates who tried to kill him. Bank decides to go back to Bangkok. He promised Baifern that he will come back to her as soon as he's done, but something happens that parts them away.