1960年,罗马奥运会的田径赛场上,四百米赛跑世界纪录保持者米哈·辛格(法拉汗·阿赫塔尔 Farhan Akhtar 饰)站在起跑线上,肩负着为祖国印度赢得该项目第一枚金牌的重任。而当人们欢呼呐喊之际,却鲜少有人能透彻回望米哈一路成长起来的跌宕人生路。1954年米哈应征入伍,首次接触400米田径。不谙世事的他,朝着那套神圣的国家队制服全力奔跑。而伴随着战火、爱情和亲情,这个矫健的男人在奔跑在各大盛事的赛场上时,还将背负着更多无法抛却的东西。一个男人的传奇,一个时代的记录…… 本片根据印度传奇田径运动员、被称为“飞翔的锡克教徒”米哈·辛格(Milkha Singh)的生平事迹改编。 喜羊羊与灰太狼之羊羊运动会免费观看The action of the film takes place in 1943. The title character is a cosmopolitan and incapable of deeper feelings seducer. In Poland, he lost his entire family. Alone - being in the heart of Nazi Germany - he hides his Jewish origins and often eludes death. He works as a waiter in the restaurant of an exclusive hotel and carelessly enjoys all the charms of life surrounded by luxury, beautiful women and friends from all over Europe. However, when the war begins to take a bloody toll on those closest to him, the intricately built world that surrounds him crumbles like a house of cards.