因羽田机场天气情况不佳,一架飞往东京的航班暂时停靠在一天只有两架飞机降落的松本机场。地勤大河内千草(竹内结子 饰)严阵以待,打起十二万分的精神应对旅客的各种要求,此外还为村木主任(甲本雅裕 饰)死缠烂打的求婚告白颇费脑筋。少顷,刚刚结束葬礼的鹤桥一家抵达候机大厅。长男藏之介(生瀬胜久 饰)一心筹划兴建天文馆,为此缠着妹妹和妹夫借钱。身为律师的妹夫田野仓守男(香川照之 饰)道貌岸然,情人百合子(户田惠梨香 饰)暗中随行令他焦灼万分。妻子美代子(神野三铃 饰)察觉丈夫的异状只能自吞苦果,这时却邂逅了帅气的飞行员(小田切让 饰)。田野仓的一双儿女也各有各的心事,丈人鹤桥清正(绫田俊树 饰)则抱着亡妻的骨灰独坐一隅。 千草周旋在鹤桥一家身边,不经意间得知了他们的许多秘密,也见证着他们之间隐隐的羁绊…… 伤城电影主题曲中文When school teacher Harriet Winslow goes to Mexico to teach, she is kidnapped by Gen. Tomas Arroyo and his revolutionaries. An aging American, Ambrose "Old Gringo" Bierce also in Mexico, befriends Gen. Arroyo and meets Harriet. Bierce is a famous writer, who knowing that he is dying, wishes to keep his identity secret so he can determine his own fate. Though he likes Arroyo, Bierce tries to provoke the General's anger whenever possible in an attempt to get himself killed, thus avoiding suffering through his illness. Winslow is intrigued by both Bierce and Arroyo, and the men are in turn attracted to her. She becomes romantically involved with Arroyo. When Winslow learns of Bierce's true identity (a writer whose work she has loved and respected for years), she is singlemindedly determined to fulfill his dying wish.