Earth Corps, a team of scientists specializing in subterranean exploration, would prefer to simply go about their work. However, this changes when a horde of monsters from below called Inhumanoids, collaborated by the evil human traitor, Blackthorne Shore, begin to attack the surface world. Against this threat, the team, and allied monster species they meet are forced to oppose them with whatever skills and equipment are useful. Written by Kenneth Chisholm {} 元龙第二季动漫全集免费观看完整版樱花没有去理睬那些人的吵吵,三人很快就走出了百米的距离,可是闻人巧儿看起来却还是一副气呼呼的样子,十分不爽的道:“那个该死的家伙,真是讨厌死啦,本事没有几分,还扁扁的优越感十足,也不知道就他那样的人是怎么进入星月佣兵团的,还是说,这个黑风城第一佣兵团已经沦落到这种程度啦。”