HOUSE OF Z chronicles the meteoric rise of fashion designer Zac Posen at the age of 21, his brand's falling out of favor several years later and his challenge to rebuild his company and his reputation. It is both a portrait of an artist, and a look behind the glamorous curtain of one of the most distinguished brands in the world, revealing the tenuous dance between art and commerce that informs every move. 未曾下雪的冬天1v1桃李春天目前均价为5300元/㎡,在售户型为104-115㎡,交2万抵4万,洋房现房5500-5600元/㎡,小高层期房5200元/㎡,详情请咨询售楼部。 价格:5400元/平方米 地址:井堂街与吉安路交叉口东