onique Watson, a 12 years old African American girl goes missing from her Brooklyn home. Her father Micheal Watson does everything on his power to find his little girl, he holds himself up through faith and will. The police are having a hard time finding her, when Christian Baker a young New York City journalist from The Chronicle gets assigned to her story. Christian tries to get the assignment done, he quickly and poorly researches the story and goes with the first lead. This brings down an unexpected series of events. Christian with guilt decides to join Micheal on his search and takes upon himself to race time and help find Monique.
1941年,美国海军情报局特工索姆斯(约翰•库萨克 John Cusack 饰)奉命来到上海,负责调查好友康纳被暗杀的真相。他以德国先驱报驻上海记者的身份游走于社会名流的酒会。他借助同纳粹工程师穆勒太太的情人关系消除猜疑、获取情报。在一次赌局中,他结识了黑帮头目兰亭的夫人安娜(巩俐 饰),对方与手下的神秘暗语令他好奇。跟踪未果,他只得继续打探。为了调查康纳的死因,他秘密约见了康纳的线人。然而,两人的会面却因为日本军队追查地下党而破产。一次偶然的机会,索姆斯再次与安娜重逢,并且在她的引荐中结识了上海黑社会头目安东尼•兰亭(周润发 饰)及日本情报处田中大佐(渡边谦 饰)。在调查中,索姆斯渐渐发现康纳的死跟一个神秘的日本女人(菊地凛子 饰)有关……