Straub-Huillet’s adaptation of Heinrich Böll’s biting satire Bonn Diary presents the reflections of a reactivated officer who is summon ed to the West German capital by the Ministry of Defense to establish an Academy for Military Memories. Straub considered his film to be an intervention against German rearmament in the Adenauer era: "Machorka-Muff is the story of a rape, the rape of a country on which an army has been imposed, a country which would have been happier without one." In "Machorka-Muff," Mr. Straub, employing the cold, somewhat expressionistic but always loquacious approach of his other films, comes closest to underlining the almost subliminal irony of his themes. He briefly outlines, through the performance of Colonel Machorka-Muff, a former Nazi who is reinstated in the Adenauer regime, the unchanging thinking of the Nazi and/or the military mind. As the colonel of the title, Dr. Johannes Eckhardt is properly cold and convincing as the believer in the rights of the soldier. Although it is the shortest and earliest of Mr. Straub's films, it is both the most lucid of his works and the most clearly indicative of his potential as an imaginative filmmaker. 明月落我怀(1V1甜宠)(一颗萝卜)这中间有蹊跷!
人到中年的安妮(克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig 饰)仍旧一事无成,浑噩度日。交往已久的男友只是把她当做情人,并无与她组建家庭的打算。此时,安妮的好友莉莉安(玛娅·鲁道夫 Maya Rudolph 饰)突然要结婚了,并邀请了包括她在内的几名女性好友组成伴娘团。伴 娘团之中的海伦(萝丝·拜恩 Rose Byrne 饰)家底深厚且八面玲珑,倾力为莉莉安打造奢华订婚礼。安妮不满海伦主导订婚礼筹备,处处与其针锋相对,试图向莉莉安昭告她深厚的情谊,但每次努力都令众人不悦,反而引致莉莉安的不满。 同时,安妮也开始面对人生中的诸多问题。交警罗兹(克里斯·奥多德 Chris O'Dow 饰)的出现似乎为安妮打开了另一扇窗。安妮能否摆脱这些困境,步入生活的正轨呢?