Are you addicted to love? Through personal stories of love addicts and the people around them this documentary explores the nature of love addiction. It will seek to understand what happens when "love" takes over your life. If you are addicted to love, love becomes more of a struggle than something great and joyful. Love addiction can rule your life in a destructive way. As someone addicted to love, you ignore your own boundaries and needs, and your attempts to loving someone are seldom returned. Love addiction can lead to obsessive thinking, anxiety, despair and loneliness. 高速晚上12点以后可以跑吗影片讲述了年轻勇敢的银龙Firedrake、山神Sorrel、孤儿Ben,因银龙的家园无法继续居住,共同踏上去喜马拉雅山脉寻找着天堂谷——传说中龙族避风港的冒险之旅,在这段神奇的旅程中,他们遭遇了各种险境,并经历了友情危机,最终冰释前嫌收获了各自的成长。