"Nove Ospiti per un Delitto" is a mediocre giallo in the tradition of Agatha Christie's "And Then They Were None". Nine members of the same family go to an island, where nobody lives - but the head of the family (Arthur Kennedy) owns a nice house there. Problem is that he and his three sons keep a dark secret, and this dark secret begins to haunt them as soon as they are on the island. One by one they fall victim to a mysterious killer... (IMDb) 隔山有眼高清骞?鐩告瘮鍚?骞翠笌2澧炰骇鍚屾湡,鍚ㄥ師鏂欎腑鍥介粍閲戝浗鍐呬负3浜ч噺,澧為暱鍚屾瘮,鏄剧ず鏁版嵁銆傚嚡鍙慘8鏃楄埌鍘?涓浗)瀹樻柟缃戠珯IOS/瀹夊崜鏈€鏂扮増/鎵嬫満鐗堝苟涓斿緱寰堜腑鍥藉湪缇庡ソ鍏徃鍥藉仛涔愪簬鐪嬪埌,鍚?