A young man falls in love with extra-liberated Giulia (who is no-one else but Serena Grandi, a legend in erotic cinema). Their relationship becomes very passionate, but Giulia has no limits in her sexual fantasies and games. Poor guy, will soon discover he'll have to pay a price for Giulia. He'll have to put up with all her strange and pervert desires, until of course he reaches his limits. Beautifully photographed, erotic movie. I highly recommend it to all fans of erotic cinema. 爱抚网小说全文阅读在线阅读免费#涓婃捣澶栨哗涓囧埄ktv #涓婃捣楂樼鍟嗗姟ktv #涓婃捣浼戦棽濞变箰 涓婃捣澶栨哗涓囧埄KTV娑堣垂-娑堣垂浠锋牸 鍦板潃:涓婃捣 KTV璇勫垎: 鍖呭帰鐜:8.7鍒?鏈嶅姟鎬佸害:9.5鍒?閰掓按鏋滅洏:9.0鍒?鍦扮悊浣嶇疆:8.9鍒?闊冲搷鏁堟灉:9.2