The series follows the lives of both the family and the servants in the London townhouse at 165 Eaton Place. Richard Bellamy, the head of the household, is a member of Parliament, and his wife a member of the titled aristocracy. Belowstairs, Hudson, the Scottish butler directs and guides the other servants about their tasks and (sometimes) their proper place. Real-life events from 1903-1930 are incorporated into the stories of the Bellamy household. 高斯福德庄园里Upstairs和Downstairs的出处。讲述了二十世纪早期三十年间一个上流阶层家庭里主仆的故事。1971-1975年英国名剧,BAFTA和艾美金球等多项大奖获得者
杰瑞(杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)是一位精明强干的警官,在他任职期间,一桩非常恶劣的幼女谋杀案轰动了整个业界。在死去的女孩的母亲的强烈哀求之下,杰瑞加班加点的追查案件的各种线索,终于在结案之前逮捕了名叫托比(本尼西奥·德尔·托罗 Benicio Del Toro 饰)的嫌犯。最终,托比被判有罪锒铛入狱。 虽然案件看似告终,但杰瑞的内心里始终觉得有一些不对劲,他来到了案发地内达华州的一座小镇内,买下了路边的一间加油站,驻扎在此地继续寻找线索。在此过程中,他结识了单身母亲洛瑞(罗宾·莱特 Robin Wright 饰)和她的女儿。 翡翠之恋在哪个app看王质瞪大眼睛问:“真的?怎么见到的?”