A history of Scotland is, like as the name says, about Scotland's history. The first episode takes us through how Scotland was created and why its role in one of the greatest wars helped define Britain in the modern era. The second episode revolves around two front figures in Scottish history, Alexander II and William Wallace, and how they shaped Scotland. Episode three takes us to Robert The Bruce and his fight for Scottish independence and how the church promoted his cause. Episode four takes us to how the Stewart's caused a divide in Scotland between the Highlands and the Lowlands. And episode five revolves around the unification of Scotland and Britain during the reign of Mary Queen Of Scots. 许洛祁东阳小说免费全集无弹窗小鸡玛德机灵聪明,可是一直胆小怕事,戴着一幅笨重的大眼镜常常受到朋友们的捉弄和讥笑。一天它看到了天上忽然落下了一块碎片,以为是天要塌下来了,它到处惊慌的通知大家,一如既往惹来了众人的嘲笑。回到家里也只有爸爸与好朋友的鼓励。它一直以爸爸为榜样,希望能像爸爸那样成为一个杰出的棒球运动员,好不容易得到了一个出赛的机会,就算大家都认为它没法帮球队胜出比赛,但是它做到了。 没想到它遇到了从外太空来的生物,就算它继续受到嘲笑它仍坚持自己眼睛看到的东西,地球受到了另一个星球的攻击,就是为了要找会误留在地球的孩子,而玛德又能否帮助小家伙找回自己的父母呢?玛德又是否依然被人嘲笑嘲弄呢?