Lucy Worsley and Len Goodman take to the floor to reveal the untold story of British Dance. Over three episodes, they’ll show how Britain’s favourite popular dances from over the centuries offer a fascinating window into British society and our relationships with one another.
A cautionary tale told in three contradicting accounts; this is a story of a broadcasting student who discovers the shady truth about the TV reporter he idolizes. 白丝美女被强迫流水视频在线播放梅尔·吉布森之子米洛·吉布森主演新片《黑帮之地》(Gangster Land)首曝剧照,米洛饰演的黑帮教父阿尔·卡彭持枪亮相。Timothy Woodward Jr.(《希科克》《美国暴力》)执导,设定在1920年代的芝加哥,将通过卡彭的二把手"Machine Gun" Jack McGurn的视角,来展现卡彭领导的芝加哥黑帮的崛起。McGurn曾经是一名业余拳击手,后因继父被谋杀,被引诱加盟了这个黑手党组织,很快打出一片天地,参与谋划了1929年的“情人节大屠杀”,将疯子莫兰领导的爱尔兰帮的多名成员残忍枪杀。 肖恩·法瑞斯、杰森·帕特里克、吉米·林·辛格勒、彼得·费辛利等参演,北美将于12月上映,Cinedigm负责发行。