日高泉美(比嘉爱未 饰)是制作乙女游戏的游戏公司的总裁,由她监制的游戏《Love My Pegasus》一经发售就在业内引起了巨大的轰动,聚光灯的焦点一下子就汇聚到了泉美的身上。泉美是用真心在制作游戏的,尤其是游戏中的男主角肯特,泉美将自己的全部感情都倾注在了这个虚拟的形象之中,以至于忽略了现实里的感情生活。 一天,喝得醉醺醺的泉美意外的邂逅了一名神秘男子,让泉美感到震惊的是,这个男人竟然长得和自己所制作的游戏里的肯特一模一样,之后,泉美得知这个男人叫做五十岚航(渡边圭祐 饰)。虽然样貌相似,但航的实际性格却和肯特大相径庭,于是,泉美决定进行改造计划,将航培养成真正的王子殿下。
智利影史十部最佳影片之一. 和<一个孤独男孩纪事>一样都是60年代拉美新电影运动的代表作. A young boy mourns the loss of his newborn brother when the baby dies. At the baby's wake, the child is given paper wings to symbolize his union with the angels of heaven. The funeral takes place after the wake turns into a drunken affair. When the baby's paper wings are left behind, the boy tries to give the wings back to his dead brother for fear the child will not go to heaven. The young boy also saves a pigeon from being tortured at the hands of other sadistic children in this feature heavy with symbolic and religious overtones.