To free Baba Yaga and Renfield from the clutches of Monster Hunter Mila Starr, the Wishbone Family once more transforms into a Vampire, Frankenstein's Monster, a Mummy and a Werewolf. Aided and abetted by their three pet bats, our Monster Family zooms around the world again to save their friends, make new monstrous acquaintances and finally come to the realization that 'Nobody's Perfect' - even those with flaws can find happiness.
克洛伊(德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore 配音)是比佛利山的一只吉娃娃狗,被宠坏了的它生活极其奢侈。主人薇薇姑妈(杰米·李·柯蒂斯 Jamie Lee Curtis 饰)要出远门,把照顾克洛伊的任务交给了安吉拉(爱莉·希尔斯 Ali Hillis 饰)。安吉拉带着克洛伊和朋友们一起去墨西哥的海滩旅行。来到海滩, 姑娘们立即被健硕英俊的小伙子们吸引了,而克洛伊则在安吉拉的“重色轻狗”下,走失于硕大的墨西哥城中。那些简陋的街道看起来跟比佛利山大相径庭。无奈之下,克洛伊只得求助于一些新朋友,包括一只经历复杂的德国牧羊犬戴戈多(安迪·加西亚 Andy Garcia 饰),和一只多情的小狗帕皮(乔治·洛佩兹 George Lopez 饰),克洛伊在它们的帮助下,振作精神找寻回家的路......