Lead Me Home is a short film that follows several people living on the streets in West Coast cities. Conceived to be a cinematic study of contrasts, the film will be familiar and shocking; intimate and vast. By weaving individual stories with aerial vistas, time-lapse photography, and evocative details of contemporary urban life, Lead Me Home aims to spark a national conversation about the epic scale of this alarming and ever-growing problem. 总裁他每天都在装穷TXT幸福嫁到万家庄,婚礼上,妹妹被“闹婚”受辱,情急之下,幸福砸伤了村支书万善堂的儿子万传家。一波未平一波又起,村里建保健品厂,要征用幸福婆家的耕地,幸福勇敢与万善堂对簿公堂,最后得到合理补偿。 幸福生孩子大出血,万善堂组织村民献血,救了幸福的命,幸福万分感恩。不料,她之前寄出的举报信却引来了纪检人员,万善堂生气发病,引起村民的众怒,幸福俩口子不堪压力,进城打工。 在城市生活中,幸福和丈夫冲突不断,婚姻亮起红灯。幸福回乡办民宿,带火了万家庄的旅游产业。不料,保健品厂污染案发,幸福再披战袍,带领村民跟利益集团勇敢抗争,赢得了大家的尊重和拥护,万善堂主动让贤,幸福当选万家庄新的带头人。