Antonio is a 30 yo family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this process he discovers that it was wrong of him to give up his independence for the sake of his relationship in the past.
由闵度允主演一位私家侦探,本来整天浑浑噩噩度日的他,却接到了一个大单子,关于一对女同性恋的案子,涉及到出轨问题,而事情愈加不受控制,男主能否摆平呢,而这对香艳的女同性恋,与男主又会有怎样的香艳经历呢....2008年好莱坞To save our great cities from catastrophic flooding, engineers are raising some of the biggest sea defenses in history. Venice MOSE Wall, Delta Flume, Japan Tsunami Barrier, New Jersey Storm Defense. 为了救这些超级城市于灾难性的洪水之中,工程师在着手有史以来阵仗最大的沿海防洪项目——威尼斯莫斯墙,代尔夫特三角洲引水槽,日本防海啸堤坝,新泽西州风暴防御。