A Venetian musician at La Fenice theatre is affected by an incurable disease. By chance he meets his ex-wife who is now living with another man. She finally realizes that she is still in love with him.One of the most romantic films ever made and that still bears the pass of time despite some camera cliches of the 70's. Venice at its best is the setting for a poignant story of lovers parting for ever in a day's time. Sensitive and powerfully emotional, but never corny, with Musante and Bolkan as passional as you may wish lovers can be. A wonderful soundtrack and a beautiful cinematography help to make this film be a delight thirty-two years after it was made. Not to be missed. 久久久免费看少妇高潮A片18禁因为二级域名,百度搜索引擎会认为是一个独立网站,所以都会收录不想要这效果的话,你要把全部301到同一个网站上 如果不在同一目录的话,可通过robotstxt文件来限制收录
这是导演的成名之作,罗伯特自掏腰包拍了这部低成本的黑色电影,结果一炮而红。影片讲述的是一名心狠手辣的罪犯成功越狱后,来到小镇伺机找他的仇家报仇,仇家的手下只知道那个罪犯将武器藏在吉他盒子里随身携带,而从来都没有见过他本人。一名流浪的吉他手(卡洛斯•加拉尔多 Carlos Gallardo 饰)凑巧这时来到小镇谋生,于是,莫名其妙的他就被卷入了一场不知所谓的追杀中。追杀的场面被导演演绎的笑料百出,黑色幽默表现的淋漓尽致。