The true story is of Ivan Sanchin, the KGB officer who was Stalin's private film projectionist from 1939 until Stalin's death. Told from Sanchin's view, the sympathetic but tragically flawed hero, squirrel, maintains unwavering faith in his "Master" despite the arrest of his neighbors and his involvement with their daughter, his wife's affair with the chilling State Security chief Lavrentii Beria and her tragic decline, and the deadly political machinations within the Kremlin he witnesses firsthand. 我和我的时光少年电视免费身怀绝技的弯刀(丹尼·特乔 Danny Trejo 饰)在追查犯罪组织卡特尔的行动中,其女友兼搭档ICE特工莎塔娜(杰西卡·阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰)不慎遇害,弯刀也被作为杀人凶手判处绞刑。关键时刻,美国总统秘密将其招至华府,命弯刀前往美国和墨西哥的边界,调查革命武装组织头目马科斯·门德斯革命者(德米安·比齐尔 Demián Bichir 饰)是否有袭击美国的打算,一旦证据确凿即可将其抹杀。弯刀率先与圣·安东尼奥小姐(艾梅柏·希尔德 Amber Heard 饰)接洽,随后潜入墨西哥见到门德斯。此时的门德斯仿佛已经人格分裂,他将导弹的控制系统与自己的心脏相连,一旦遇害导弹便自动飞向美国华府,而他的人头又高达千万美金,以至于弯刀被迫担负起保护门德斯性命的任务。 返回美国的道路杀机四伏,凶险非常,更有意想不到的阴谋等待着他……