Misaki lives in a rural town situated among lush, green mountains beneath a clear blue sky. Despite graduating from a university in Tokyo, she was unable to find the job she hoped for due to the lack of employment opportunities that befell her generation. Just about everything has gone badly for her and now she is on the verge of turning 40. However, she has dreams of marrying her aging, handicapped mother Mitsuko's care worker, Naoki, who pays visits to their home. Her clandestine meetings with Naoki are one of Misaki's oases from Mitsuko's harsh day-to-day verbal abuse. The other is the bee farm run by her childhood friend Kaori. The honey Kaori diligently works to make is sweet, mild, and soothing. But then Misaki is cruelly betrayed by Naoki. And Kaori abruptly dies. These events drive Misaki's heart to the brink of bursting. "Why did she have to die? "
菲特(杰克·莱蒙 Jack Lemmon 饰)和莱斯利(托尼·柯蒂斯 Tony Curtis 饰)决定进行一场惊天动地的超级大赛车,他们将起点定在纽约,终点定在巴黎。这场惊人的比赛很快就吸引了媒体的注意招致了大肆的报道,女记者玛姬(娜塔利·伍德 Natalie Wood 饰)想要全程跟踪采访比赛,她软磨硬泡总算说服了莱斯利,得到了登上他的赛车和他走完全程的机会。 这是一场漫长的比赛,一路上,莱斯利和玛姬之间不断的发生摩擦,他们互相受不了彼此的个性,却又相互深深的吸引,渐渐地,竟然在你来我往之间碰撞出了爱情的火花。临近终点时,莱斯利甚至把车停了下来,只为了向玛姬求婚。