Gary Busey plays Buck, a former Vietnam veteran/ex-con recently released from the state prison. He returns to the small Midwest town where he grew up only to discover the place overrun by a large motorcycle gang bent on causing trouble. When the bikers murder his wife and traumatize his young daughter, Busey, with the help from a fellow Vietnam vet, as well as his former cell-mate, a drug kingpin living in Miami, Buck arms himself to the teeth and wages a war against the motorcyclists to destroy them once and for all. 披荆斩棘的哥哥0826在线观看“飞黄腾达”(原名为“the apprentice”,又名“学徒”)是一套美国NBC电视台播放的真人秀节目,节目是在一群壮志雄心的商界男士与商界女强人中,选拔一个年薪25万美元的人,成为美国著名地产大王Donald Trump的徒弟,为Trump集团效力的比赛。 “飞黄腾达”第一季在2004年春季筹办,制作执行官是Mark Burnett(其代表作有著名真人秀游戏“幸存者”),Jay Bienstock,与地产界大王Donald Trump,其中Trump是节目的主持人。节目为Trump集团谋求了一个职位,为美国人实现美国梦的故事。