年轻貌美的单身母亲李美华,用尽自己的积蓄开了一家婚纱店,不幸的是开业的前一天婚纱店发生火灾,李美华雇佣的两名店员葬身火海,从此,李美华踏上让两个失去亲人的家庭宽恕自己的人生路。影片取材于台湾著名演员高金素梅(曾出演李安的成名作《喜宴》)的真实经历。编剧经过艺术加工,将故事背景移植到大陆,主题立意强调一个人应有的良知与责任。凡人歌殷桃电视在线播放9Leyla and Adam have had a happy marriage for years. However, after a while, their marriage becomes a dead end. The excitement in their marriage is now gone, and Adam falls into a love that causes his heart to beat again. Adem, who falls in love with the woman named Nergis who comes across this period, cannot think of anyone other than Nergis. However, Nergis, who took the mind of Adam, has no intention of moving to another life from the one-man world he founded.