SUPERCOOL马其顿动作□想(😧)片!□(🌵) someti□es i t□ink it'□s□□ shame □hat m□vi□□□like this one don't get th□ ex□osure th□t□they deserve - th□t very □e□□peo□le wil□□g□t to enjoy t□em.□. b□t sometimes,□i thin□□that th□□lack□of exposure is□what ma□es □ovies like th□s o□e - if i□die was □ains□r□□m it woul□n't □av□ been indie□ would it?...□s□□ the best□□h□n□□□□could □ay ab□ut &qu□t;Zbog□m na 20 v□k"□is a th□t□it'□s a great mo□ie, b□□ it'□s not for e□eryon□. the story is r□ther□□□nt□□ver□i□l□ □□e□level of blood an□ □o□e on screen is □a□her□high□(it ma□e□□the□US □o□ror fli□ks from the □□39;9□s look like□ki□□ergarten ca□to□ns) □nd t□□ editing...□well, it's so□u□e□en, that i□ mig□t induce vo□□ting..□ however, if you have□□he stomach to go over these things, chances are that you□□ill love□this□f□lm, be□aus□□it is ind□e□ full of heart. if □ou□don't lo□e it, watch it a□ai□... on□e you □now what□;□ happenin□ in the □ovie it w□ll be □uch easi□□ for yo□ t□□pick up□a□l the small details that not□□n□y make the s□e□es□□□ok coole□, but also d□epe□ (i □ave a□theory tha□ the whole mov□e could be□seen through symbols □□ly, but it□#39;s□to□ long□to wr□te it down here)..□□none of my□f□iend□ l□k□d it at □□rst, □ut □fter two or t□□□e□view□ngs, they □ind it at leas□ r□spe□tabl□ if □ot outr□g□t brilliant..□ so, to c□t t□ings u□, if yo□ can f□n□ t□is movie,□se□ it by all means. 9.5/□0