Kathir works as an IT professional at Dindigul and visited his village on a holiday in order to attend his elder brother's wedding but only to realise that the wedding has been cancelled. Things take unexpected swift when relatives come to know that the woman who was engaged with the elder brother of Kathir is actually the girlfriend of Kathir. 狂战士第三次转职叫什么“你的肉不好吃,太酸!”
翠施(吉娜·菲利普斯 Gina Philips 饰)与戴利(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 饰)姐弟俩正驾车行驶在乡村公路上返家度假,无聊的二人彼此唇枪舌剑解闷,突然,一辆老旧肮脏的货车试图超车,令二人紧张一场。不久他们看到从货车上下来的人在路边小屋前,将一包带着血迹的东西丢入了一个管道,姐弟二人好奇心大起,不顾刚才被货车追逐的经历,悄悄返回小屋查看。戴利落入管道,发现包裹中居然是腹中被缝入了不明物体的活人,大惊失色的戴利与翠施迅速驾车离开,但一个长着翅膀的鬼影开始一路追踪他们。姐弟俩向路上遇到的各种人求助,这却使这场噩梦般的经历变得更加骇人……