Haylee, a local EMT suffering from PTSD, spends her days making split second decisions with lives that hang in the balance. One night on a routine call, she is faced with a moral decision, taking matters into her own hands and mercy kills a young woman. Her decision opens a pandora's box that leads Haylee to blur the lines of her job responsibilities and wanting to help those in need. Now, falling deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole, she gets caught up in a world of underground drugs and a sadistic killer who's made her his next victim.
伯尼(杰克·布莱克 Jack Black 饰)是德州小镇迦太基的殡仪师,他专业技术过硬,为人厚道、慷慨、热心公益、在教堂担任领唱还参加社区剧团演出,赢得小镇所有人的欢心,但他始终单身,被人猜测要么奉承独身主义,要么是个基佬。镇上一位富商去世后,留下脾气古怪、被所有人讨厌的高龄寡妇玛佳丽(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰)。伯尼本着“对每个家属赋以最真诚同情和善意”的原则,热心接近玛佳丽,很快赢得她的欢心,她负担起两人所有玩乐开销,让伯尼参与她的财产管理,甚至为他改动遗嘱。两年过去,人人都爱的伯尼几乎成了玛佳丽的私人所有物,她辞退所有用人,生活中的所有琐事都交予伯尼一手包办。好脾气的伯尼也有爆发的一天,而且是一步到位地结束了玛佳丽的性命,演着一出“玛佳丽中风了”的戏,伯尼撑着这个秘密,试图逃过法律制裁…… 本片根据发生在德州的一起真实事件改编。 坏种by纳豆小僧小说免费阅读 于女士告诉中新财经,五一假期,她首选大城市作为目的地,景点多、旅游资源丰富,服务也相对好一些。