Algiers, a few years after the civil war. Amal and Samir have decided to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary in a restaurant. While on their way, their share their views on Algeria: Amal talks about lost illusions and Samir about the necessity to cope with them. At the same time, their son Fahim and his friends Feriel and Reda are wandering about in a hostile Algiers about to steal their youth.
1011 13鐐规柊娴璋?18鐐逛笂娴烽害涔愯开KTV鏂颁笓杈戙€奣he One銆嬮绛句細 1012 6:20銆婃壃瀛愭櫄鎶ャ€嬬數璇濅笓璁垮叕鍙?14鐐硅吘璁璋?16鐐圭綉鏄撹璋?1013 鍏ㄥぉ鎺掕垶 1014 娴庡崡姝屽弸浼? 新兵日记2电视剧在一所公寓的厨房中,一对夫妻为避免吵醒隔壁房中熟睡的女儿,低声谈论着小红帽的故事。郊区空地上,这个男人躲在一排废弃的拖车后静默地观察一群人,后者似乎是一家人。同一个城市,同一个男人:他带着两枚猎枪击针穿越在堵塞的车流中。男人42岁,名叫Viorel。他被自己阴暗的想法所震惊,穿越整个城市,前往只有他自己知道的一个目的地。 An apartment kitchen: a man and a woman discuss Little Red Riding Hood, their voices hushed, mindful of waking the little girl sleeping in the next room. A wasteland on the city’s outskirts: behind a line of abandoned trailers, the man silently watches what seems to be a family. The same city, the same man: driving through traffic with two hand-made firing pins for a hunting rifle. The man is 42 years old, his name - Viorel. Troubled by obscure thoughts, he drives across the city to a destination known only to him.