绾疜娲惧閲忚穿KTV 浜櫠鐞嗘兂鍩庢湁鍘垮叕鍙?绾㈢孩鍐呰。杩為攣搴?瀹忓熀鐗╀笟棣欏北鐢茬鏈嶅姟涓績 鍒╁窛甯傜編棰傞泤搴楗板伐绋嬫湁闄愬叕鍙?涓浗骞冲畨淇濋櫓(闆嗗洟)鑲′唤鏈夐檺鍏徃娌у窞涓績鏀叕鍙?瑗垮畨榧庨懌鏈夐檺 非诚勿扰丹东小伙Danny Says is a documentary on the life and times of Danny Fields. Since 1966, Danny Fields has played a pivotal role in music and "culture" of the late 20th century: working for the Doors, Cream, Lou Reed, Nico, Judy Collins and managing groundbreaking artists like the Stooges, the MC5 and the Ramones. Danny Says follows Fields from Phi Beta Kappa whiz-kid, to Harvard Law dropout, to the Warhol Silver Factory, to Director of Publicity at Elektra Records, to "punk pioneer" and beyond. Danny's taste and opinion, once deemed defiant and radical, has turned out to have been prescient. Danny Says is a story of marginal turning mainstream, avant garde turning prophetic, as Fields looks to the next generation.