High school student, Grover Beindorf, and his younger sister, Stacey, have a problem. Their parents, Janet (Curtis) and Ned (Pollak) are going to get a divorce. Desperate, Grover and Stacey lure their parents to the basement, lock it up, and declare their intentions to keep them there until they reconcile. When their friends find out what they have done, everyone agrees that their misbehaving parents deserve the same treatment! 代嫁公主苏浣儿大学3.7女生节活动策划方案 篇1 活动名称:公主殿堂 活动时间:20××-05-06 活动地点:逸夫楼S307 活动主题:为了营造一个温馨和谐的女生生活环境给我院女生更多贴心关怀,我院党、团工