由哈尔滨市委宣传部、平 房区与中央电视台中央新影集团合作 联合摄制的大型纪录片《七三一》举 行开机仪式。该片计划于2014年底或 2015年初在中央电视台纪录频道黄金 时段首播。 据了解,侵华日军第七三一部队 遗址既是揭露日本军国主义残暴罪行 的现实证据,也是哈尔滨市特有的历 史文化资源。此片采用纪录片的形 式,全方位客观地揭露侵华日军“七三 一”部队的罪恶行径,还原真实历史。 这部电影采用亲历者访谈、专家学者 访问、实景再现、动画复原、档案解 密等拍摄手法,围绕“七三一”细菌部 队相关史实,揭露日本侵略军在华细 菌战的罪行。 驱魔道长 电影演员表介绍A contemporary comedy about two people who meet just as their previous relationships have imploded in ugly fashion. In a desperate bid to reboot their romantic fortunes, they play fast and loose with the facts and ignore more red flags than you'd see in a Chinese Army parade in order to start something fresh with each other. Then, just 10 days into their new lives, the jig is up and the wheels start coming off the love wagon in hilarious and surprising ways.