Sergeant Mark Quinn is a policeman who is known among his superiors as extremely persistent, unrestrained and merciless against criminals. The reason for this is to be found in his past. When he was a child he was the only one who has escaped a family massacre, and the murderers of his parents were never catched. In the meantime he was raised by a Japanese and teached in the arts of the Ninja. The tough, longstanding training pays off when he meets the killer of his father again… With all weapons and the precise and deadly techniques of the Ninja he takes revenge… 电视剧中年计划免费观看这部记录片拍摄的起因是美国哥伦比亚中学的校园枪击事件。纪录片人摩尔着眼于大屠杀的背景、环境以及公众对这个事件反应,深入到美国暴力事件的本质,把枪支作为一种符号来探讨美国自由和自我毁灭之间的联系与矛盾。 摩尔通过与南方公园作者Matt Stone、美国枪支协会时任主席Charlton Heston和音乐人Marilyn Manson等人的互动,逐步揭示出科伦拜恩大屠杀发生和美国高暴力犯罪的根源。