The Richardson family celebrates their 28-year-old daughter's pregnancy in Northern California. The celebration is interrupted when a Satanic cult member, Aksel Brandr, pays them an unexpected visit. Aksel, on behalf of the cult's leader Henrik Brandr, offers to pay the family a large sum for ownership of their land. Jacob Richardson, the father, rejects the offer due to the priceless sentimental value of their home. Henrik and his cult, displeased, begin to put devastating curses on the Richardsons, trying to force them off their land - even if it means murdering them. After suffering unexplainable tragedies, the Richardsons seek help from Marybeth, a white witch high priestess. They soon discover a terrible secret about their home, revealing why it is so valuable to the cult. They realize they must protect their property from the cult at all costs, and a violent battle between good and evil ensues. 老师在办公室被躁得好爽鎬ユ嫑KTV鏈嶅姟鍛樻彁渚涘悆浣?闈㈣閰掑惂鏈嶅姟鍛?鍖呭悆 鍖呬綇 鎴愰兘鏄熻景涔嬪濞变箰鏈夐檺鍏徃 寰愭眹-琛″北璺?璇曡瘯 鍏ㄩ儴鈥滀笂娴烽厭鍚ф湇鍔″憳鈥濅俊鎭?杩斿洖棣栭〉 娴忚杩囨椤甸潰鐨勭敤鎴疯繕娴?